Data from the multi-state Wildlife Viewer survey for the publication “Social Support and Identity Promote Diverse Participation in Wildlife Viewing” in People and Nature
Through a 2021 AFWA MultiState Conservation Grant, we conducted national and state-level surveys of wildlife viewers. This dataset is a subset of a larger dataset examining the ethnoracial trends of wildlife viewers. This dataset contains:
1. Survey Instrument.pdf: a pdf version of the survey instrument
2. PAN_MSV_Dataset.xlsx: an xlsx file of the dataset
F21AP00617-00 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Multistate Conservation Grant Program
[README.rtf] - an overview of the datasheets and files.
[PAN_MSV_Dataset.xlsx] - Excel (xlsx) file containing 17,104 individual and de-identified survey results.
[Survey Instrument.pdf] - Survey instrument containing all questions asked in pdf.