Outdoor spatial mosquito repellents, such as mosquito coils or heating devices, release pyrethroid insecticides into the air to provide protection from mosquitoes within a defined area. This broadcast discharge of pyrethroids into the environment raises concern about the effect on non-target organisms. A previous study found that prallethrin discharged from a heating device did not affect honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) [Hymenoptera: Apidae] foraging or recruitment. In this second study, there was no significant difference in foraging frequency (our primary outcome), waggle dance propensity, or persistency in honey bees collecting sucrose solution between those exposed to metofluthrin from a different heating device and bees exposed to a non-metofluthrin control. One measure, waggle dance frequency, was higher in the metofluthrin treatment than the control but this outcome was likely a spurious result due to small sample size. The small particle size of the emissions, averaging 4.43 µm, from the heated spatial repellent products, which remain airborne with little settling, may play an important role in the lack of effect found on honey bee foraging.
University Libraries, Virginia TechCorresponding Author Name
Roger SchürchFiles/Folders in Dataset and Description
├── 02_protocol # FOLDER: for protocol related files
│ ├── 041_Thermacell_HB_2023.org # protocol source file
│ ├── 041_Thermacell_HB_2023_v1.0.pdf # rendered protocol v. 1.0
│ └── Checklist.docx # checklist to use on day of experiments
├── 04_data # FOLDER: data files
│ ├── dance_data_x1.xlsx # dance data decoded by anonymous 1
│ ├── dance_data_x2.xlsx # dance data decoded by anonymous 2
│ ├── dance_data_x3.xlsx # dance data decoded by anonymous 3
│ ├── dance_data_x4.xlsx # dance data decoded by anonymous 4
│ ├── dance_data_x5.xlsx # dance data decoded by anonymous 5
│ ├── dance_data_x6.xlsx # dance data decoded by anonymous 6
│ ├── data.xlsx # main foraging visit data
│ ├── odk_forms # FOLDER: files related to case report forms
│ │ ├── 041_thermacell_hb_feeders_2023-visits-odk.xml # XForm definition used in ODK Collect
│ │ └── bee-ids.csv # bee id list to be used in ODK Collect
├── 05_code # FOLDER: all code needed for analysis
│ ├── 000_main.R # R main file sourcing all other files
│ ├── 001_data_prep.R # data preparation file for R
│ ├── 002_validation.R # data validation file for R
│ ├── 003_analysis.R # analysis file for R
│ ├── 998_download_data.R # file used to download data from Google Drive to R
│ ├── 999_ggplot_vt_theme.R # definition of our own VT ggplot theme for R
│ └── orgmode # FOLDER: statistical report sources
│ ├── 041_Thermacell_StatAnalysisReport.org # Org-mode source of statitical report
│ └── images # FOLDER: result images rendered from the Org-mode file
│ ├── bp_raw_for_freq.png # image of raw foraging frequencies
│ ├── emmean_dance_freq.png # image of marginal means for dance frequency
│ ├── emmean_for_freq.png # image of marginal means for foraging frequency
│ ├── emmean_per_freq.png # image of marginal means for persistency
│ └── map.png # image with map of study area
└── 07_background_literature # FOLDER: holding BibTeX bibliography file
└── thermacell2.bib # BibTeX file, used in protocol and stats report