Virginia Tech

Valine and non-essential amino acids affect bi-directional transport rates of leucine and isoleucine in bovine mammary epithelial cells

Version 4 2024-02-05, 18:26
Version 3 2024-02-02, 18:34
Version 2 2023-09-25, 19:41
Version 1 2023-08-28, 14:55
posted on 2024-02-05, 18:26 authored by Alexis WestonAlexis Weston, I.A.M.A. Teixeira, P.S. Yoder, T. Pilonero, M.D. Hanigan

 “Valine and non-essential amino acids affect bi-directional transport rates of leucine and isoleucine in bovine mammary epithelial cells”. This study assessed transport rates of 7 AA to evaluate the effects of high and low concentrations of Val and Ala, Gln, and Gly provided as a group in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells. Treatment effects on Leu and Ile were attributed to increased intracellular concentrations of non-essential AA used as exchange currency combined with the reduced shared transporter competition from Val. These results demonstrate that the efficiency of branched-chain amino acid uptake by mammary cells is affected by competition among the branched-chain AA and the synergistic effects of non-essential AA. 


Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station

Hatch Program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture

National Animal Nutrition Program

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

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Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences David R. and Margaret Lincicome Endowment

Balchem Corp.



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Blacksburg, VA

Corresponding Author Name

Alexis Hruby-Weston

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

• SupplementaryFigures.pdf o Supplementary Figure 1. An example fit of the mean [15N]-isotope ratios for Asp, Ala, and Glu with respect to time after removal of [15N]-labeled media. o Supplementary Figure 2. Example of observed and predicted [13C]-serine isotope ratios with respect to time after addition of the [13C]-labeled media polynomial fit of Ser over time. • SupplementaryTable1.csv o Observed concentrations of AA in acclimation media prior to cell exposure (µM). • SupplementaryTable2.csv o m/z of ions monitored during mass spectrometry to determine unlabeled and labeled amino acid concentrations in samples. • SupplementaryTable3.csv o Initial (i) bovine mammary epithelial cell pool sizes, and isotopic ratios for modeled amino acids. Data are least-squares means. • SupplenmentaryTable4.csv o Target total AA Concentration (µM) in the [15N]-labeled and [13C]-labeled media. • SupplementaryTable5.csv o Total amino acid concentrations (µM) of [15N]-labeled extracellular media every 8 h of the 24 h period. • SupplementaryTable6.csv o Evaluations of predictions of [15N]-Ala, Asp and Glu (IRnKAii), which are precursors for transamination and [13C]-Ser as a precursor for re-methylation of methionine (IRSeri). • SupplementaryTable7.csv o Fit statistics for predictions of pool sizes and isotope ratios averaged by amino acid and across treatments.

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