The data set contains 15 files.
a) 13 .txt files containing the Vertical land motion (VLM) in cm/year for 13 states on the US east coast. The states include: New Hampshire (NH), Massachusetts (MA), Rhode Island (RI), Connecticut (CT), New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ), Delaware (DE), Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA), North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (SC), Georgia (GA), and Florida (FL). The names of each text file correspond to the state code for each state (e.g., FL.txt for Florida).
The file contains 4 columns:
Column 1: Longitude in deg
Column 2: Latitude in deg
Column 3: VLM in cm/year
Column 4: The standard deviation of VLM in cm/year
b) vlm.csv contains the VLM and standard deviation for the entire US Atlantic coast.
The file contains 4 columns:
Column 1: Longitude in deg
Column 2: Latitude in deg
Column 3: VLM in cm/year
Column 4: The standard deviation of VLM in cm/year
c) hor_vel.csv contains the horizontal velocity (east and north) and the standard deviations for the entire US Atlantic coast.
The file contains 6 columns:
Column 1: Longitude in deg
Column 2: Latitude in deg
Column 3: East Velocity in cm/year
Column 4: North Velocity in cm/year
Column 5: The standard deviation of east velocity in cm/year
Column 6: The standard deviation of north velocity in cm/year