posted on 2021-02-23, 17:36authored byBrentha Thurairajah
An eight year data set of Gravity Wave (GW) momentum flux and amplitude has been computed for May, June, July and August of years 2007-2014 from the SABER/TIMED temperature measurements. This data in combination with GW data from the SOFIE instrument on the AIM satellite are used to analyze the influence of vertically vs obliquely propagating GWS on the summer polar mesosphere. The oblique propagation of GWs is confirmed using the GROGRAT ray-tracing simulations. The logs and data from the simulation results are also archived here. The data sets in this repository are the SABER and GROGRATS data analyzed to produce the corresponding Figures in the manuscript titled “Influence of gravity waves on the polar summer mesosphere: The role of obliquely propagating monsoon gravity waves” that has been submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research in October 2019. IDL code to read the SABER and GROGRAT data sets are provided .
Corresponding author: Dr. Brentha Thurairajah (