This data is supplementary to the dissertation "Human Computer Interaction Design for Assisted Bridge Inspections via Augmented Reality." by Alan Smith. It contains three files:
Item 1 is a Work Activity Affinity Diagram (WAAD) containing key insights from interviews with 24 DOT and related personnel across the country. Note that browsers such as Chrome may struggle to open such a large PDF; it is recommended to use dedicated software such as Adobe to view this diagram.
Items 2 and 3 are demonstrative videos showing the final Augmented Reality interface for the bridge inspection tool created in this research.
This dissertation will be hidden for roughly one year due to a separate pending publication which the dissertation covers.
[WAAD_fullResolution.pdf] - Work Activity Affinity Diagram (WAAD) containing key insights from interviews with 24 DOT and related personnel across the country. Note that browsers such as Chrome may struggle to open such a large PDF; it is recommended to use dedicated software such as Adobe to view this diagram.
[cv_assisted_case.mp4] - Video demonstrating the computer vision workflow of the final augmented reality interface developed in this research.
[manual_case.mp4] - Video demonstrating the manual (non-automated) workflow of the final augmented reality interface developed in this research.