Virginia Tech

Supplementary Files to the Dissertation "Human Computer Interaction Design for Assisted Bridge Inspections via Augmented Reality"

posted on 2024-05-22, 16:49 authored by Alan SmithAlan Smith, Rodrigo SarloRodrigo Sarlo, Joseph GabbardJoseph Gabbard

This data is supplementary to the dissertation "Human Computer Interaction Design for Assisted Bridge Inspections via Augmented Reality." by Alan Smith. It contains three files:

  1. WAAD_fullResolution.pdf
  2. cv_assisted_case.mp4
  3. manual_case.mp4

Item 1 is a Work Activity Affinity Diagram (WAAD) containing key insights from interviews with 24 DOT and related personnel across the country. Note that browsers such as Chrome may struggle to open such a large PDF; it is recommended to use dedicated software such as Adobe to view this diagram.

Items 2 and 3 are demonstrative videos showing the final Augmented Reality interface for the bridge inspection tool created in this research.

This dissertation will be hidden for roughly one year due to a separate pending publication which the dissertation covers.



University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Corresponding Author Name

Rodrigo Sarlo

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

[WAAD_fullResolution.pdf] - Work Activity Affinity Diagram (WAAD) containing key insights from interviews with 24 DOT and related personnel across the country. Note that browsers such as Chrome may struggle to open such a large PDF; it is recommended to use dedicated software such as Adobe to view this diagram. [cv_assisted_case.mp4] - Video demonstrating the computer vision workflow of the final augmented reality interface developed in this research. [manual_case.mp4] - Video demonstrating the manual (non-automated) workflow of the final augmented reality interface developed in this research.

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    Civil and Environmental Engineering



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