Virginia Tech

Software for "Evaluating the Role of Land Surface Moisture in Generating Asymmetrical Precipitation during the Landfall of Hurricane Florence (2018)"

posted on 2023-05-04, 14:51 authored by Stephanie ZickStephanie Zick

This is software and data to support the manuscript "Evaluating the Role of Land Surface Moisture in Generating Asymmetrical Precipitation during the Landfall of Hurricane Florence (2018)," which has been accepted for publication in the journal Atmosphere. The software includes all code that is necessary to follow and evaluate the work. Additional software that is not included in this repository includes the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) version 3.6.1, which is available for free at the following website: We are also including the namelist, initial condition, and boundary condition files that were used to generate the WRF model output. The model output files are available upon request. Public datasets include (1) the Atlantic hurricane database (HURDAT2;, (2) NCEP Stage IV precipitation available from the NCAR/UCAR  (, (3) National Weather Service upper air sounding data available from the University of Wyoming (, and (4) vertical wind shear data from the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS;;, (2) NCEP Stage IV precipitation available from the NCAR/UCAR  (, (3) National Weather Service upper air sounding data available from the University of Wyoming (, and (4) vertical wind shear data from the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS;



University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Corresponding Author Name

Stephanie Zick

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

[2018_06FLORENCE_6UTC_0830.csv] best track file for Hurricane Florence - this is 3-hourly spline interpolated from the original 6 hourly BT format. Columns (left-right) are (1) best track counter, (2) ATCF storm number, (3) year, (4) month, (5) day, (6) hour, (7) latitude, (8) longitude, (9) max winds in knots, (10) MSLP in mb. [] used to generate Fig 1 showing WRF domain configuration [] used to generate Fig 2 showing land use data for the three experiments, and to calculate statistics in table 3 [] used to generate Fig 3 comparing CTRL and observed intensity and positions [] used to generate Fig 4a showing Stage IV precipitation [] used to generate Fig 4b-c and Figure 9 showing WRF simulated precipitation [] used to generate Figures 5, 9, and 11 showing daily precipitation [] used to generate all figures and tables with sounding information [] used to generate Fig 7 showing 3 hourly precipitation [] used to generate Fig 12 showing low level theta-e differences [] used to generate Fig 13ab showing MSSI differences [] used to generate Fig 13cd showing PII differences [] used to generate Fig 14 showing LCL and CAPE differences [] used to generate Fig 15a showing storm following precipitation timeseries [] used to generate Fig 15bcd showing latent and sensible heat flux timeseries and storm following MFC timeseries [fig15timeseries.csv] Output from python scripts for Figure 15 which includes timeseries data for precipitation, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and moisture flux convergence [] used to generate Fig 16 showing daily average moisture flux convergence (MFC) [namelist.input-Florenced03] WRF namelist for CTRL, WETX and DRYX simulations [nameslist.wps] namelist for WPS [table06.csv] data for Table 6 showing left-and right-of-track CAPE values for the three experiments [table07.csv] data for Table 7, output from, to create table 7 in the manuscript [] used to generate daily average vertical wind shear values in Table 7 [wrfinbdy.tar.gz] includes [wrfbdy_d01, wrfinput_d01, wrfinput_d02, wrfinput_d03] These are initial and boundary condition files for generating WRF output for CTRL simulation [License.txt]- MIT license for all the python scripts

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