Software and Data For "Evaluating the Skillfulness of Experimental High Resolution Model Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation using an Object-Based Methodology"
This is software and data to support the manuscript "Evaluating the Skillfulness of Experimental High Resolution Model Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation using an Object-Based Methodology," which we are submitting to the journal Weather and Forecasting. The software includes all code that is necessary to follow and evaluate the work. We are also including some of the HAFS and HWRF-B model output for testing the code. Additional model output is available upon request. Public datasets include the Atlnatic hurricane database HURDAT2 ( and Stage IV precipitation (
[code] All software
[] This code loads best track data and performs a spline interpolation to
calculate 3-hourly positions and intensities
[] This code combines CSV file output
[] This code reformats the model trak files to a CSV format that can be read
# by the precip comparisons code.
[] This code defines binary images for HAFS precipitation in the 2020 hurricanes and calculates basic shape metrics using the module "regionprops"
[] This code compares HAFS and Stage IV precipitation in the 2020 hurricanes using point-based metrics
[] This code defines binary images for HWRF-B precipitation in the 2020 hurricanes and calculates shape metrics using fucntions in "" HWRF-B model precip is extracted from the "swath" file
[] This code compares HWRF-B and Stage IV precipitation in the 2020 hurricanes using point-based metrics
[] This code calculates Mann Whitney U test statistics and p-values based on shape metrics calculated from the model and Stage IV data.
[] This code calculates Mann Whitney U test statistics and p-values based on shape metrics calculated from the model and Stage IV data.
[] This code plots "wind roses" for characterizing max precipitation and centroid directions with respect to the TC center in individual storms.
[] This code plots "wind roses" for characterizing max precipitation and centroid directions with respect to the TC center, aggregated over all 2020 storms.
[] This code is used to generate Figure 12 in the manuscript (skill by lead time).
[] This code is used to generate Figures 4, 5, and 8 in the manuscript (point-based metrics).
[] This code is used to generate Figures 6 and 9 in the manuscript (box plots showing object-based metrics).
[] This is set of function for calculating point-based metrics.
[] This file includes functions for generating figures that illustrate the object-based analysis. These functions were used to generate manuscript figures 2, 7, and 10.
[] This file includes multiple functions for object-based analysis. It was designed to work with 3-hour rain rates, but it should work for other fields as well (e.g., reflectivities, wind speeds). For example, we have tested it with ground-based radar and DPR reflectivities.
[hafs] 3-hourly HAFS forecast output for Hurricane Isaias initialized at 00 UTC on 2 Aug 2020
[hwrfb] swath file includes 3-hourly HWRF-B forecast output for Hurricane Isaias initialized at 00 UTC on 2 Aug 2020
[masks] two mask file that are needed for regrid the data to 5 km grid and exclude locations more than 150 km away from a radar
[st4] hourly Stage IV precipitation data corresponding to the HAFS and HWRF forecasts of Hurricane Isaias, which can be retrieved from
[track] track files for the real TC and model TCs. Real TC track data is sourced from HURDAT2 data are openly available from the National Hurricane Center Model track data corresponds to the HAFS and HWRF forecast model output provided in this repository.