Virginia Tech

Senators' opinions and the state law on the issue of same-sex marriage in the United States

posted on 2021-02-25, 10:32 authored by Subhradeep Roy
''Senators opinion in terms of support, oppose and ambiguity on the issue of same-sex marriage in the United States.xlsx'' corresponds to the opinion of the 100 senators on the issue of same-sex marriage in the United States. For each year from 1996 to 2014, we assign values 1; -1 or 0 to each of these senators if the particular senator supports, opposes, or is ambiguous, respectively, on the issue of same-sex marriage in that year. Here ambiguity refers to the case where the particular senator neither supports nor opposes same-sex marriage. The opinions of the senators are considered during their period of tenure and are replaced with the new where the opinion values are modified accordingly. 26th of December of each year is chosen to log the opinion of the senators for that specific year, disregarding whether a senator is reassigned within the year. The data are collected from different sources (for example, personal candidate/senator websites, news media, and Wikipedia) and each supporter is identified with the first mention of support, opposition, or ambiguity publicly on this issue. In case a particular senator is identified as a supporter, then the senator is considered as a supporter for all successive years until the end of his or her tenure. ''State laws in terms of legal, ban and 'neither legal nor ban' on the issue of same-sex marriage in the United States.xlsx'' corresponds to the data for the state-law on the issue of same-sex marriage across 50 states. We assign values for state-law as 1; -1 or 0 if that particular state has legalized, banned, or neither banned nor legalized same-sex marriage, respectively.



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