Virginia Tech

Relationships between Central Appalachia Surface Mining and Birth Outcomes

Version 2 2024-01-19, 20:38
Version 1 2022-07-22, 11:30
posted on 2024-01-19, 20:38 authored by Korine KolivrasKorine Kolivras, Lauren Buttling, Molly McKnight, Julia GohlkeJulia Gohlke, Linsey MarrLinsey Marr, Thomas Pingel, Shyam Ranganathan

This dataset contains most GIS data files and scripts from McKnight (2020) and McKnight et al. (2022). Birth outcome data for Central Appalachia are protected by IRB agreements and must be obtained from the health departments of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Data for active surface mines greater than 40 acres from 1989 to 2015 include annual shapefiles for each year and centroids of those mines in a separate zip file. Scripts are provided to model airsheds and conduct statistical analyses.

McKnight, Molly X. 2020. Examining the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem: Associations Between Surface Mining and Birth Outcomes in Central Appalachia at Multiple Spatial Scales. Master’s Thesis. Virginia Tech.

McKnight, M.X., K.N. Kolivras, L.G. Buttling, J.M. Gohlke, L.C. Marr, T.J. Pingel, and S. Ranganathan. 2022. Associations between surface mining airsheds and birth outcomes in Central Appalachia at multiple spatial scales. GeoHealth. doi: 10.1029/2022GH000696


“Spatiotemporal analysis of adverse birth outcomes in Central Appalachia” National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R21ES028396)



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Central Appalachia

Corresponding Author Name

Korine Kolivras

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description • Contains the following shapefiles and associated files: o central_Appalachian_counties_2010 - Shapefile containing the boundaries of counties located in Central Appalachia using 2010 Census data o central_appalachian_county_footprint - Shapefile containing the boundary of Central Appalachia using 2010 Census data o central_appalachian_zctas_2000_2010 - Shapefile containing the boundaries of ZCTAs located in Central Appalachia using 2000 and 2010 Census data o central_appalachian_zctas_2000 - Shapefile containing the boundaries of ZCTAs located in Central Appalachia using 2000 Census data o central_appalachian_zctas_2010 - Shapefile containing the boundaries of ZCTAs located in Central Appalachia using 2010 Census data - - Text files containing the latitude/longitude values of the centroids for each active surface mine located in Central Appalachia with areas greater than 40 acres for each year between 1989 and 2015 - - Shapefiles containing the boundaries of active surface mines located in Central Appalachia with areas greater than 40 acres for each year between 1989 and 2015 - 2020.04.14_county_ptb_glm_mean_share.txt - R script used to conduct the statistical analysis for preterm birth at the county level - 2020.04.14_individual_ptb_glm_share.txt - R script used to conduct the statistical analysis for preterm birth at the individual level - 2020.04.14_nonadmin_ptb_glm_mean_share.txt - R script used to conduct the statistical analysis for preterm birth at the non-administrative boundary level - 2020.04.14_tract_ptb_glm_mean_share.txt - R script used to conduct the statistical analysis for preterm birth at the Census tract level - - Shell script used to automate the HYSPLIT trajectory analysis; the results from this script were used to generate the airsheds