Virginia Tech

Parametric Model Order Reduction for Structural Optimization of Fiber Composite Structures: Training dataset

posted on 2024-12-04, 15:29 authored by Varakini SanmugadasVarakini Sanmugadas

The training dataset and results associated with the journal article titled "Parametric Model Order Reduction for Structural Optimization of Fiber Composite Structures" is provided here. This work addresses the inherent computational demand of metaheuristic optimization techniques by developing a novel optimization framework that uses parametric model order reduction (PMOR). The improvement in efficiency is demonstrated using the buckling optimization of variable angled tow (VAT) composite panels, as navigating the complex design space of VAT composite structures with global optimization techniques requires a substantial number of function evaluations. A new affine summation relationship conducive to PMOR was derived for its finite element stiffness matrix using the concept of lamination parameters and material invariant matrices, and principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract the reduced basis vectors. Particle swarm optimization was conducted using a full-order model (FOM) and a reduced-order model. PMOR-based optimization exhibited a 0.55% relative error in the optimal objective value compared to the FOM analysis and exhibited a similar convergence history. It was observed that the optimization time was reduced by 93% by the novel affine decomposition alone, but PMOR achieved a significant reduction of 99.8% in memory requirements compared to the FOM. As the affine-decomposition-based assembly of the FOM is not feasible for large problems, PMOR functions as an enabling tool for leveraging the improvement offered by it. [2024 Nov: Paper is currently in press, AIAA Journal]



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Blacksburg, VA

Corresponding Author Name

Varakini Sanmugadas

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

- Journal_results: Contains results presented in Table 5, for cases ST, VAT1 and VAT2 - ST - FOM: Full order results - Loop_history: The results associated with all PSO iterations - Loop1 optimal_design_variales.txt: Continuous design variables of best design in current iteration, used by PSO. DESPAR.txt: Round down values in "optimal_design_variales.txt". Discrete variables used as indices to pick tow angles from a predefined set (Table 2). OPT_RESP.txt: Best objective value response.txt: Summary of results - Loop2 response.txt: The final optimization results ("response.txt" from the best Loop in Loop_history folder) - ROM: Reduced order results - Loop_history - Loop1 optimal_design_variales.txt DESPAR.txt: OPT_RESP.txt response.txt - Loop2 response.txt - VAT1 - VAT2 - mat_files_K_ROM: ROM training data set and affine components of linear stiffness matrix - elemdof_list.mat elemdof_list: FEM mesh element connectivity (rows - 1296 elements; columns - 8 nodes and 5 degrees of freedom --> 40) - u_vat_test_.mat r: reduced order tol: Delta in Eq. (15) u: Snapshot matrix in Eq. (10) - red_vat_elewise_mats.mat FOM_K: Affine components of full-order linear stiffness matrix (Eq. (22)) RED_Kmn: Affine components of reduced-order linear stiffness matrix (Eq. (24)) - VAT_PMOR-main: Github code used with dataset as of 12/04/2024