Comma separated value files containing data regarding plasma bubbles and a readme file for data descriptions.
Each CSV file contains data along either the northern equatorial ionization anomaly, magnetic equator, or southern equatorial ionization anomaly.
CSV file datasets are organized by row and column.
The first row of each CSV contains headers to briefly describe the data stored in each column.
Each row represents a specific plasma bubble detected.
Each column provides information about the plasma bubble such as magnetic longitude, magnetic latitude, year, day of year, and so on. More details about the dataset are in the readme.txt file.
Three comma separated value (CSV) files contain all detected plasma bubbles (PBs).
NorthernEIA_PB.csv contains all PBs detected within the northern equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA).
EquatorialQD_PB.csv contains all PBs detected within the magnetic equator in quasi-dipole (QD) coordinates.
SouthernEIA_PB.csv contains all PBs detected within the southern EIA.
Each CSV file contains data for each PB detection organized by column. Each row represents a PB detection.
Columns represent the following data by header name, data type, and description.
Scan0 North/South: integer
Geographic region of the first scan for the image pair: 1 for north and 0 for south.
Scan1 North/South: integer
Geographic region of the second scan for the image pair: 1 for north and 0 for south.
Day of Year: integer
Day of year for PB detection (1 - 366).
Filtered Sum: float
Convolution filtered difference sum.
QD Latitude: float
QD latitude of detected PB.
QD Longitude: float
QD longitude of detected PB.
QD Error: float
QD position error derived from Gaussian fit of PB detections.
EIA Radiance: float
Radiance of the EIA where PB is detected in Rayleighs
Random Uncertainty: float
Intensity random uncertainty from data combined in quadrature through summation in Rayleighs.
Filtered Random Uncertainty: float
Convolution filtered random uncertainty in Rayleighs.
Difference Sum: float
Rayleigh summation of difference image in Rayleighs.
Systematic Uncertainty: float
Intensity systematic uncertainty from data combined in quadrature through summation in Rayleighs.
Filtered Systematic Uncertainty: float
Convolution filtered systematic uncertainty in Rayleighs.
SZA: float
Solar zenith angle in degrees.
Scan0 time: integer
Time of the first scan for the image pair in UTC.
Scan1 time: integer
Time of the first scan for the image pair in UTC.
Year: integer
Year of PB detection (2018 - 2022)
West FW75M: float
QD longitude of PB western extent for full-width 75% max measure of width.
East FW75M: float
QD longitude of PB eastern extent for full-width 75% max measure of width.
Gaussian coef0: float
Amplitude coefficient of Gaussian fit in Rayleighs.
Gaussian coef1: float
Center coefficient of Gaussian fit in QD degrees.
Gaussian coef2: float
Width coefficient of Gaussian fit in QD degrees.
Drift Speed: Float
Drift speed of PB in meters per second.
Drift Speed Uncertainty: Float
Drift speed uncertainty of PB in meters per second.
Bubble Track Count: Unsigned Long
Tracking number for PBs to follow a PB from one image to the next.
The text file 'EIA_Crest.txt' contains EIA crest locations for north/south GOLD scan image pairs.
Data are organized by year, day of year, and times of scan pairs that make a north/south pair.
This is followed by northern EIA values, then by southern EIA values.
Data are organized by line with empty space acting as delimiters
First line for an image: 'YEAR DOY TIME0 NS0 TIME1 NS1'
YEAR: Year
DOY: Day of year
TIME0: UTC time of first scan that make up image
NS0: Geographic region of first scan - N == North, S == South
TIME1: UTC time of second scan that make up image
NS1: Geographic region of second scan - N == North, S == South
This is followed by northern EIA crest locations: 'Northern EIA'
Columns of data contain relevent quasi-dipole and geographic coordinate locations in QDdegrees and geographic degrees, respectively, of detected EIA crest locations and are deliminted by empty space.
This is immediately followed by the same format for the southern EIA.
Columns: ' QDlon QDlat GEOlon GEOlat'
QDlon: Quasi-Dipole longitude of EIA crest in QDdegrees
QDlat: Quasi-Dipole latitude of EIA crest in QDdegrees
GEOlon: Geographic longitude of EIA crest in degrees
GEOlat: Geographic latitude of EIA crest in degrees
Three empty lines occur at the end of a given image's EIA data.
Data labels and example: '2018 278 2010 N 2025 S'
'Northern EIA'
' QDlon QDlat GEOlon GEOlat'
' 59.0 7.0 -16.6 17.2'
' 59.5 7.0 -16.1 17.3'
' 60.0 7.0 -15.6 17.3'
'Southern EIA'
' QDlon QDlat GEOlon GEOlat'
' 59.0 -9.2 -14.3 2.5'
' 59.5 -8.9 -13.9 2.9'
' 60.0 -8.5 -13.5 3.3'
' '
' '
' '
Next image start