The principal idea behind Nothing-on-Road Bridge-Weigh-In-Motion (NOR-BWIM) is to use bridge strains to infer truck weights as the pass over the bridge. This avoids the implementation of much more expensive methods such as weigh-in-motion scales that must installed into the pavement. This dataset contains models, data, codes, and sample results to complement the following journal papers, which develop on various concepts related to NOR-BWIM
[1] Moghadam, A., AlHamaydeh, M., & Sarlo, R. (2023). Nothing-on-road bridge-weigh-in-motion used for long-span, concrete-box-girder bridges: an experimental case study. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 8(2), 79-90
[2] Moghadam, A., AlHamaydeh, M., & Sarlo, R. (2022). Bridge-weigh-in-motion approach for simultaneous multiple vehicles on concrete-box-girder bridges. Automation in Construction, 137, 104179.
[3] Moghadam, A., AlHamaydeh, M., & Sarlo, R. (2023). Dual-purpose procedure for bridge health monitoring and weigh-in-motion used for multiple-vehicle events. Automation in Construction, 148, 104768.
The entire breadth of this study can also be found in the dissertation:
[4] Moghadam, A. (2022). Integration of Traffic and Structural Health Monitoring Systems Using A Novel Nothing-On-Road (NOR) Bridge-Weigh-In-Motion (BWIM) System.
You are encouraged to consult these documents before using this dataset in order to fully understand the motivation behind the work.
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Rodrigo SarloFiles/Folders in Dataset and Description
[1 - Codes] Contains example codes supporting different aspects of references [1-4].
[a - Experimental Case Study on Smart Road Bridge] The purpose of this code is to use MLE method for weight estimation of some trucks on the smart road bridge in an experimental case study. This code is described in chapter 2 of the dissertation document [4]. It is suggested to read this chapter first before using this code. Open mainSmartRoadBridgeNORBWIM.mlx to start.
[b - MP-NOR-BWIM] The purpose of this code is to perform two steps: 1) calibration using single truck passages and then 2) weight estimation in multiple-truck events. See the chapter 3 of the dissertation document [4] for details of the methodology and tests and truck characteristics. Open mainMPNORBWIM.mlx to start.
[c - Damge indicator computation] The purpose of this code is to compute the damage indicator values for the 3-axle truck for single and multiple-truck events. The damage indicator is defined and utilized in Chapter 4 of the dissertation [4]. Open mainDamageIndicatorCalc.mlx to start.
[d - RefIL computation and thresholds for single-truck events] The purpose of this code is to compute the reference influence lines (ILs) using standard IL method and threshold computation for single-truck events. A detailed explanation is provided in the dissertation chapter 4 [4] to show how to calculate the RefILs and thresholds. This instruction is only to accelerate the implementation of the code by future readers. Open mainRefIL_SingleEvents.mlx to start.
[e - RefIL computation and thresholds for multiple-truck events] The purpose of this code is to compute the reference ILs using MP-IL method and threshold computation for multiple-truck events. A detailed explanation is provided in the dissertation chapter 4 [4] to show how to calculate the RefILs and thresholds. This instruction is only to accelerate the implementation of the code by future readers. Open mainRefIL_MultiEvents.mlx to start.
[2 - FE Model] Contains information related to finite element model used in studies [2] and [3]. The model simulates bridge strains in response to a truck passing event.
[a - Model] CSI Bridge (proprietary software) Files for running both healthy and damaged bridge simulations
[b - Data] Contains model-generated data (strains vs time) for various truck axel configurations.