Files containing the non-migrating semidiurnal tidal amplitudes and phases in effective neutral temperature and column O/N2 ratio as a function of latitude (degrees) in June and December solstice conditions simulated by the TIEGCM-ICON ( O/N2 amplitudes are reported as percent relative to the zonal mean. Temperature amplitudes are in units of Kelvin. Phases are reported as the universal time of maximum at 0º longitude. Tides are derived from effective neutral temperature and column O/N2 calculated from model temperature and density profiles operated upon by contribution functions.
[teff_jun.dat] – During June, the tides in effective neutral temperature.
[teff_dec.dat] - During December, the tides in effective neutral temperature.
[on2_jun.dat] - During June, the tides in the column O/N2 ratio.
[on2_dec.dat] - During December, the tides in the columnadd O/N2 ratio.
[cfunc.dat] - Contribution function (unitless) for nadir viewing and SZA = 70º and solar minimum conditions.