Through a 2021 AFWA MultiState Conservation Grant, Virginia Tech and the AFWA Wildlife Viewing and Nature Tourism Working Group conducted national and state level surveys to gather more data on wildlife viewers. This dataset is from the survey conducted in New Mexico.
It contains:
1. README.rtf: an overview of the datasheets and files.
2. New Mexico Wildlife Viewer Survey.pdf: a pdf version of the survey instrument
3. NewMexico_WildlifeViewerSurvey.csv: a csv (comma-separated values) file of the dataset
4. NewMexico_WildlifeViewerSurvey.sav: a sav (compatible with SPSS, the Statistical Package for Social Science) file of the dataset
5. WildlifeViewerSurveyData_VariableGuide: a guide to each variable name in the datasets.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Multistate Conservation Grant Program (grant # F21AP00617-00)