Mozambique: Rural Water Supply Baseline Study 2011
The data included in this resource relate to an impact evaluation of the Millennium Challenge Account’s (MCA’s) Rural Water Point Implementation Program (RWPIP) in Nampula. The objective of the impact evaluation of the RWPIP was to examine the extent to which the program objectives were realized. Rigorous impact evaluations should allow causal claims to be made about program interventions and observed changes in outcome indicators, typically by comparing the beneficiaries of the program to a non-beneficiary comparison group. In order to assess the impacts of the installed handpumps on households in the RWPIP communities, the research design employed a panel survey in the treatment and comparison groups. Panel surveys are specifically designed to compare changes in treatment communities “before” and “after” an intervention with changes in comparison communities that did not receive the intervention. This design permits a “difference-in-differences” approach to the analysis of data collected, which controls for general trends that affect both treatment and comparison communities (e.g., drought, high crop prices, or other development interventions). To collect the panel data, a baseline survey was undertaken in 2011 and a follow-up survey was undertaken in 2013.