Virginia Tech

Maximum Daily Heat Index in Virginia (May 1-September 30th, 2015-2022)

posted on 2024-10-11, 16:52 authored by Antonia Mendrinos, Janice O'BrienJanice O'Brien, Meredith Davis, Alexandra Baldwin, Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Annie Britton, Immaculata MwanjaImmaculata Mwanja, Julia GohlkeJulia Gohlke

Gridded hourly air temperature, humidity, and surface pressure were extracted and processed to obtain daily maximum heat index values. Data was extracted from the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS2). Hourly relative humidity values were calculated using air temperature, specific humidity, and surface pressure. Using the National Weather Service equation based on the Rothfusz regression and Weathermetrics R package, the hourly Heat Index was then calculated in combination with hourly air temperatures. Daily maxHI value was calculated for each grid cell on each day and these values were assigned to ZCTAs (as defined by the U.S census Bureau (2020)).


Virginia Department of Health and CDC Epidemiology and Laboratory Services grant (NU50CK000555)

Virginia Tech Department of Population Health Sciences

Quantifying distributional health damages of extreme weather events

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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University Libraries, Virginia Tech



Corresponding Author Name

Julia M. Gohlke

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

File maxHI_date_zcta.csv - shows the date data was collected (Date), ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA), and maximum daily heat index (MaxHI). File - shapefiles used to create maps showing the map of Köppen Climate Zones matched to ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) in Virginia and a map of rural and non-rural classifications of Virginia ZCTAs. File va_koppen_climate_classification.tif - a TIF file showing the Köppen Climate classification of Virginia, obtained and clipped from: File VA_NLDAS_Data_README.txt - a text describing the sources of the temperature data, the geographical location that the data covers, procedures to download and use the data, and giving more information on the NLDAS data, derived data, and daily heat index data. Code - a Python script to use to combine hourly NLDAS NetCDF data into a single nc file. Code MaxHI.script.Mendrinos et al 2024.R - a script to calculate maximum heat index. Code NLDAS_exact_extractr.R - a script to calculate the overlap weighted hourly values for each zipcode for all NLDAS variables. Code NLDAS_HI_calculations.R - a script to calculate relative humidity and heat index values. Code NLDAS_HI_daily_analysis.R - a script to calculate daily heat index data.

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