James Cave Epikarst Monitoring Drip Data: 2007-2018
Cave drip measurements were made at three drip monitoring stations within James Cave (Pulaski County, Virginia) from fall 2007 to winter 2018. Measurements were made in mm on a 10 minute interval using HOBO® tipping bucket rain gauges and stored on HOBO® multi-station data loggers. Measurements in mm can be converted to ml (3.7 ml to 0.2 mm). Data were downloaded bimonthly to quarterly and compiled to form a continuous time series. Missing data reflect periods of instrumentation failure. The location of cave drip monitoring sites can be found in Figure 4 of Groce-Wright (2021; http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104202). The geologic map can be found as Figure 3 in Groce-Wright (2021; http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104202). Photos of the drip monitoring sites within the cave can be found as Figure 5 in Groce-Wright (2021; http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104202).
The raw data were used in Groce-Wright (2021; http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104202) to create drip hydrographs, which were analyzed using recession methods to calculate alpha, the recession coefficient, which reflects the hydrogeologic characteristics of the overlying epikarst (soil and weathered bedrock above the cave), and the storage volume.
Funding for the instrumentation and data collection is from the National Institutes for Water Resources, the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, the Cave Conservancy of the Virginias, and the Geological Society of America.
University Libraries, Virginia TechLanguage
- English (US)