Vertical Land Motion across San Francisco Bay
as shown in Fig 2 of Shirzaei and Bürgmann (2018) Science Advances.
The SAR data sets spanning from 13 July 2007 to 17 October 2010 include 32, 24, and 19 images in descending (incidence angle = 23°, heading angle = 193°) and ascending (incidence angle = 23°, heading angle = 350°) orbits of Envisat C-band satellite and ascending (incidence angle = 34.5°, heading angle = 350°) orbit of ALOS L-band satellite, respectively. The data set is processed using WabinSAR algorithm. See citations below for details.
This work was supported by grants EAR-1357079 and EAR-1735630 and NASA grants 80NSSC170567 and NNX17AD98G.