Virginia Tech

InSAR-based Vertical Land Motion at Lake Mead Area

Vertical Land Motion around Lake Mead as shown in Fig 3 of Khorrami et al under review in Water Resources Research. The SAR dataset includes 111 C-band Sentinel-1 SAR images with a 12-day revisit time, 250 km swath, 5 m x 20 m spatial resolution, and multi-looking factors of 32 (range) by 6 (azimuth), from descending track path #173, and frame #470. The dataset is processed using the WabInSAR algorithm (Shirzaei, 2013). More details on the README file are downloadable with the data.


Improved Resolution and Sampling of Total Water Storage Changes Through Data Fusion

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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Lake Mead

Corresponding Author Name

Mohammad Khorrami

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

Fig3_LonLat_dz_std.txt column #1: longitude(deg) column #2: Latitude(deg) column #3: VLM rate (cm/yr) column #4: VLM Standard deviation (cm/yr) LakeMead_VLM_plot.m: MATLAB script to plot the dataset.