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Idealized cross-shore XBeach simulations of storm-induced barrier island change with varying subaerial profile and sediment mobility characteristics

posted on 2024-03-21, 18:35 authored by Jennifer IrishJennifer Irish, Wei Cheng, Robert WeissRobert Weiss, Stephanie Patch

Six thousand, four hundred and fourty four (6,444) two-dimensional, cross-shore computational simulations were carried out with the open computational model XBeach (Roelvink et al., 2009, Coastal Engineering; to investigate the influence of subaerial barrier-island profile shape and sediment mobility on barrier-island morphological response during coastal storms; results are presented in Irish et al. (2024; DOI: 10.1061/JWPED5/WWENG-2047). All simulations were forced at the offshore boundary (25-m depth) with (1) a 6-hr sinusoid storm surge timeseries varying from 1 m, Mean Sea Level (MSL) up to the provided Peak Surge value then returning to 1 m and (2) JONSWAP wave spectra with significant wave height and peak period respectively of 8 m and 10 s. Initial barrier island profiles, final XBeach-simulated barrier island profiles, varied XBeach input parameters, and output parameters calculated from the initial and final profiles are provided herein. Three sediment grain size distributions were considered, with distribution specified by median and 90th percentile, respectively: (0.2 mm, 0.3 mm), (0.4 mm,0.6 mm), and (0.6, 0.8 mm). All other XBeach input parameters were set to their default values. Four csv files are included within the zipped archive, as discussed below.

Related research paper citation:

Irish, J. L., Cheng, W., Weiss, R., Patch, S. M., Beever, M. A. (2024). Influence of belowground biomass on barrier-island evolution during storms: A computational parameter study. DOI: 10.1061/JWPED5/WWENG-2047


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Northrop Grumman Subcontract No. 7500124898 for Grant No. W91278-10-D-0104)

U.S. Coastal Research Program (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Grant No. W912HZ-20-2-0005)

National Science Foundation (Grant Number 1630099)



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Virginia Tech

Corresponding Author Name

Jennifer L. Irish

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

1. XBeachInputAndOutputParameters_Irish_etal2023.csv. This .csv file contains the following XBeach model input parameters and output parameters calculated from analysis of XBeach model input initial and output final profiles: Column 1: Simulation number Column 2 (input): Peak surge [m, Mean Sea Level (MSL)] at model offshore boundary Column 3 (input): Initial dune elevation [m, MSL] Column 4 (input): Initial distance from shoreline to dune crest [m] Column 5 (input): Equilibrium sediment concentration factor [unitless] Column 6 (input): Median grain diameter [mm] Column 7 (input): Impeded mobility layer thickness [cm] Column 8 (output): Final dune elevation [m, MSL] Column 9 (output): Shoreline change [m], where positive values indicate erosion Column 9 (output): Total subaerial erosion [m3/m] Column 10 (output): Overwash extent [m], measured from initial shoreline 2. XBeachProfile_Xcoordinates_Irish_etal2023.csv. This .csv file contains the cross-shore horizontal coordinate in meters, where lowest value corresponds with the offshore boundary. A flag of “999999” is used to indicate the simulated profile ends. Row 1: Simulation number Rows 2 through 500: Horizontal x coordinate [m] 3. XBeachProfile_InitialZcoordinates_Irish_etal2023.csv. This .csv file contains the initial vertical coordinate, as an elevation in meters relative to Mean Sea Level (MSL), corresponding to the horizontal x coordinate provided in XBeachProfile_Xcoordinates_Irish_etal2023.csv. Row 1: Simulation number Rows 2 through 500: Initial vertical z coordinate [m] 4. XBeachProfile_FinalZcoordinates_Irish_etal2023.csv. This .csv file contains the final XBeach-simulated vertical coordinate, as an elevation in meters relative to Mean Sea Level (MSL), corresponding to the horizontal x coordinate provided in XBeachProfile_Xcoordinates_Irish_etal2023.csv. Row 1: Simulation number Rows 2 through 500: Final vertical z coordinate [m]