This data set accompanies the article BD Ohlinger, MJ Couvillon, & R Schürch (2024) “Agricultural grasslands provide forage for honey bees but only when nearby”, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.
This work was supported by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (Grant #549044 to PI MJ Couvillon and co-PI R Schürch) and by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Grant # VA-160097 to MJ Couvillon and Grant # VA-160129 to R Schürch).
[README] - README file containing descriptions of folders and files in the data repository
[] - ZIP archive containing all necessary files to reproduce the analysis in Ohlinger et al. 2024
[calibration_data] - folder containing data for simulating dances
[distance_calib_obj_Universal1000.RData] - R data file containing the universal calibration dataset used for
dance simulation
[csv] - folder containing comma separated value files with data and results of statistical analyses
[analysis_grid_3250.csv] – Comma separated value file containing the land category data for each grid cell
(OID) in the study area
[analysis_points_3250.csv] – Comma separated values file containing the full simulated dance dataset
consisting of 1000 dance locations per dance and the land category and grid cell (OID) corresponding to
each dance location
[binom_lm_ci.csv] – Comma separated values file containing point estimates and confidence intervals for
distance corrected odds of visiting tiles containing versus not containing each land category
[crop_mean.csv] – Comma separate values file containing mean proportional abundance of croplands within
each grid cell (OID)
[dance_agg_data.csv] – Comma separated values file containing a single mean waggle run duration and
angle for each decoded waggle dance
[dance_data.csv] – Comma separated values file containing decoded dance data (four waggle runs per
dance) for the full dataset
[developed_mean.csv] – Comma separate values file containing mean proportional abundance of developed
lands within each grid cell (OID)
[dist_corrected_comp.csv] – Comma separated values file containing summary output from a Bonferroni
corrected pairwise comparison test on distance corrected foraging rates to the land categories
[forest_mean.csv] – Comma separate values file containing mean proportional abundance of forested lands
within each grid cell (OID)
[land_comp_3250.csv] – Comma separated values file containing summary output from a Bonferroni
corrected pairwise comparison test on total proportional foraging to the land categories
[land_summary.csv] – Comma separated values file containing land category composition summary (%) for
the entire study area
[mc_sample_lm.csv] - Comma separated values file containing Monte Carlo samples for model coefficients
for the presence of the crop, developed, forest and agricultural grassland categories on distance-corrected
foraging probability
[mc_sample_prop_forage.csv] – Comma separated values file containing Monte Carlo samples for total
proportional foraging to the land cover types, monthly proportional foraging to agricultural grasslands, and
yearly proportional foraging to agricultural grasslands
[month_comp_3250.csv] – Comma separated values file containing summary output from a Bonferroni
corrected pairwise comparison test on monthly proportional foraging to agricultural grasslands
[pasture_mean.csv] – Comma separate values file containing mean proportional abundance of agricultural
grasslands within each grid cell (OID)
[prop_forage_3250.csv] – Comma separated values file containing total proportional foraging to the land
categories and monthly proportional foraging to agricultural grasslands
[table_1.csv] – Comma separated values file used to generate table reporting land type prevalence (%)
within distance intervals across the study radius (Table 1)
[year_comp_3250.csv] - Comma separated values file containing summary output from a Bonferroni
corrected pairwise comparison test on yearly proportional foraging to agricultural grasslands
[figures] - folder containing all figures included in Ohlinger et al. 2024
[figure_1.png] – Aerial imagery maps showing the 3250 m study radius surrounding the colonies and the
land cover composition
[figure_2.png] – Figure showing point estimates for monthly percent foraging and 95% confidence intervals
to agricultural grasslands.
[figure_3.png] - Figure showing point estimates for percent foraging and 95% confidence intervals to the
agricultural grassland, cropland, developed, and forest categories
[figure_4.png] – Figure showing point estimates for distance correct foraging odds ratios and 95%
confidence intervals to the agricultural grassland, cropland, developed, and forest categories
[figure_5.png] – Figure showing heat maps of distance corrected residual foraging probabilities within the
study area and the primary foraging hot spot
[points] - folder containing Rdata files that consist of points that represent simulated dance locations
[Allsample. points.RData] – R data file consisting of points that represent the simulated dance locations for
the Blacksburg, VA field site
[rasters] - folder containing all rasters produced by the analysis
[dist_raster.tif] – Tag image file containing distance values for grid cells across the 3250 m study radius
[prob_raster.tif] – Tag image file containing a map of dance communicated foraging probabilities within the
study area
[standard_residuals_3250.tif] – Tag image file containing a map of dance communicated distance corrected
residual foraging probabilities within the study area
[scripts] - folder containing R scripts for analysis and dance simulation
[00_system_prep.R] – R script with code that prepares the system for analysis
[01_dance_data_prep.R] - R script with code that prepares the data for dance simulation and further
[02_pfrc_analysis_prep.R] - R script preparing the dance data and land cover data for analysis
[03_simulate_dances.R] – R script defining function for simulating dances
[04_pfrc_analysis.R] – R script containing the full analysis
[05_pfrc_reports.rmd] - RMarkdown file containing code that creates figures 2-4
[azimuth.R] – R script with code that calculates solar azimuths for dance simulation
[shapes] - folder containing all shapefiles and supporting files used in the analysis
[Blacksburg_Landcover_Merge.dbf] – dBase database file containing attribute information for
[Blacksburg_Landcover_Merge.prj] – File containing the coordinate system and map projection information
for Blacksburg_Landcover_Merge.shp
[Blacksburg_Landcover_Merge.shp] – shapefile containing feature geometry for land cover map within the
3250 m study radius
[Blacksburg_Landcover_Merge.shx] – File containing index attribute information for