Virginia Tech

Honey bee waggle dance data and code to analyze foraging at Alson H. Smith Jr. Agricultural Research & Extension Center (WAREC) as part of Bees-as-Bioindicators project.

Version 2 2022-11-11, 15:15
Version 1 2022-07-13, 14:12
posted on 2022-11-11, 15:15 authored by Taylor Steele, Roger SchuerchRoger Schuerch, Bradley OhlingerBradley Ohlinger, Margaret CouvillonMargaret Couvillon


This data set accompanies the article TN Steele, R Schürch, BD Ohlinger, & MJ Couvillon (2022) “Apple orchards feed honey bees during, but even more so after, bloom”, Ecosphere.


This work was supported by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (Grant #549044 to PI MJ Couvillon and co-PI R Schürch) and by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Grant # VA-160097 to MJ Couvillon).



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Winchester AREC, Virginia, United States

Corresponding Author Name

Margaret J. Couvillon

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description calibration_data/ calibration_data/distance_calib_obj_Universal1000.RData - R data file containing the universal calibration dataset used for dance simulation csv/ csv/cdl_codes_names.csv – CropScape key / values for gridcode csv/dance_agg_data.csv – Comma separated values file containing point estimate locations for each simulated waggle dance csv/dance_data.csv – Comma separated values file containing simulated dance locations (1000 per dance) for the full dataset csv/month_em.csv – Comma separated values file containing monthly marginal mean communicated foraging distances and 95% confidence intervals csv/season_em.csv - Comma separated values file containing seasonal marginal mean communicated foraging distances and 95% confidence intervals csv/sum_stats.csv – Comma separated values file containing summary statistics for the 2018 and 2019 field seasons and the aggregated data from both years: sample sizes and mean, standard deviation, interquartile range, upper quartile, minimum and maximum communicated foraging distances. Figures/ Figures/Figure_1.png – Figure showing LOESS regression of communicated foraging distance across the foraging season in both 2018 and 2019 Figures/Figure_2.png – Figure showing estimated monthly marginal mean communicated foraging distances and 95% confidence intervals in 2018 and 2019 Figures/Figure_3.png - Figure showing estimated seasonal marginal mean communicated foraging distances and 95% confidence intervals in 2018 and 2019 Figures/Figure_4.png – Figure showing percent foraging to apple orchards and forests during the bloom and post bloom periods in 2018 and 2019 Figures/Figure_5.png – Figure showing monthly odds ratio estimates and 95% confidence intervals for foraging to apple orchards and forests (relative to foraging to the “other” category in April) points/ points/Allsample.winchester_points.RData – R data file consisting of points that represent the simulated dance locations for the Winchester, VA field site points/distance.winchester_points.RData - R data file consisting of points that represent the simulated distances for the Winchester, VA field site points/simulated_winchester_spatial_points.RData – R data file consisting of points that represent the simulated dance locations for the Winchester, VA field site scripts/ scripts/00_system_prep.R – R script with code that prepares the system for analysis scripts/01_dance_data_prep.R - R script with code that formats data for analysis scripts/03_01_simulate_dances.R - R script with code that simulates the waggle dances scripts/azimuth.R - R script with code that calculates the solar azimuth for dance simulation scripts/steele_ecosphere_analysis.R - R script containing the full analysis shapes/ shapes/mc_results_mblogit_winchester.RData – R data file containing bootstrapped baseline-category logit model coefficients shapes/prop_apple_winchester.RData – R data file containing the median and 95% CI simulated foraging percentages to apple orchards shapes/prop_forest_winchester.RData - R data file containing the median and 95% CI simulated foraging percentages to forests shapes/WarecCropscapeTransformed.RData – Winchester Cropscape Layer on metric NAD83 projection shapes/Winchester_Cropscape_2018_20.kml – KML file containing a map of the land categories shapes/winchester_cropscape2018_cropped.RData - KML file containing a map of the land categories. This file was cropped to the 95 percentile foraging range, which comprised our study area (2000 meter radius) shapes/winchester_cropscape2018_cropped_max.RData - KML file containing a map of the land categories. This file was cropped to the maximum foraging range (11,400 meter radius). shapes/winchester_manual2018_cropped.RData – manually ground truthed (i.e., with Google Earth, not actual ground truthing) and cropped winchester crop layer tables/ tables/Table 1.PNG – Table reporting percent foraging to apple orchards and forests before and after the apple bloom in 2018 and 2019 tables/Table 2.png – Table showing plant taxa found in the study area during each season (Post Bloom, Late Summer, Fall)