Virginia Tech

Honey bee waggle dance data and code to analyze foraging across Virginia landscapes as part of Bees-as-Bioindicators project

posted on 2022-08-30, 14:10 authored by Bradley OhlingerBradley Ohlinger, Roger Schürch (, Mary Silliman, Taylor Steele, Margaret J Couvillon (

This zipped folder contains the scripts and data used for the article BD Ohlinger, R Schürch, MR Silliman, TN Steele, & MJ Couvillon (2022) "Dance-communicated distances support nectar foraging as a supply-driven system", Biology Letters. Additionally, it contains a README file with descriptions of the files used for the analysis.


This work was supported by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (grant no. 549044 to M.J.C.) and by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (grant no. VA-160097 to M.J.C.).



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Virginia, USA

Corresponding Author Name

Bradley D. Ohlinger

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

[] - ZIP archive containing all necessary files to reproduce the analysis presented in Ohlinger, Schürch et al. (2022) [README] - README file containing descriptions of folders and files in repository [04_data] - data folder containing raw data and intermediate computational steps [calibration_data] - folder containing data for simulating dances [distance_calib_obj_Universal1000.RData] - Rdata file containing the universal calibration dataset used for dance simulation [csv] - folder containing comma-separated value files with results of statistical analyses [dance_agg_data.csv] – comma-separated values file containing point estimate locations for each simulated waggle dance [dance_data.csv] – comma-separated values file containing simulated dance locations (1000 per dance) for the full dataset [disc_18_pairs.csv] – comma-separated values file containing estimated marginal mean differences in communicated foraging distance and 95% confidence intervals between nectar and pollen foragers at the Winchester site in 2018 [disc_19_pairs.csv] – comma-separated values file containing estimated marginal mean differences in communicated foraging distance and 95% confidence intervals between nectar and pollen foragers at the Winchester site in 2019 [mean_diff_ft.csv] – comma-separated values file containing estimated marginal mean differences in communicated foraging distance and 95% confidence intervals between nectar and pollen foragers in the full dataset [month_emm.csv] – comma-separated values file containing monthly estimated marginal mean communicated foraging distances and 95% confidence intervals for nectar and pollen foragers in the full dataset [month_pairs.csv] – comma-separated values file containing monthly estimated marginal mean differences in communicated foraging distance and 95% confidence intervals between nectar and pollen foragers at the three field sites (Blacksburg, Winchester, and Tidewater) in the full dataset [site_pairs.csv] – comma-separated values file containing estimated marginal mean differences in communicated foraging distance and 95% confidence intervals between nectar and pollen foragers at the three field sites (Blacksburg, Winchester and Tidewater) in the full dataset [site_pairs_18.csv] - commaseparated values file containing estimated marginal mean differences in communicated foraging distance and 95% confidence intervals between nectar and pollen foragers at the three field sites (Blacksburg, Winchester and Tidewater) during the 2018 field season [site_pairs_19.csv] – comma-separated values file containing estimated marginal mean differences in communicated foraging distance and 95% confidence intervals between nectar and pollen foragers at the three field sites (Blacksburg, Winchester and Tidewater) during the 2019 field season [points] - folder containing Rdata files that consist of points that represent simulated dance locations [Allsample.blacksburg_points.RData] - Rdata file consisting of points that represent the simulated dance locations for the Blacksburg, VA field site [Allsample.tidewater_points.RData] - Rdata file consisting of points that represent the simulated dance locations for the Tidewater, VA field site [Allsample.winchester_points.RData] - Rdata file consisting of points that represent the simulated dance locations for the Winchester, VA field site [distance.blacksburg_points.RData] - Rdata file consisting of points that represent the simulated distances for the Blacksburg, VA field site [distance.tidewater_points.RData] - Rdata file consisting of points that represent the simulated distances for the Tidewater, VA field site [distance.winchester_points.RData] - Rdata file consisting of points that represent the simulated distances for the Winchester, VA field site [05_code] - folder containing R scripts for analysis and dance simulation [supply_driven_analysis.R] - R script containing the full analysis [scripts] - folder containing R scripts for system preparation and dance simulation [00_system_prep.R] - R script with code that prepares the system for analysis [01_dance_data_prep_supply_driven.R] - R script with code that formats data for analysis [03_01_simulate_dances.R] - R script with code that simulates the waggle dances [azimuth.R] - R script with code that calculates the solar azimuth for dance simulation [06_reports] - folder containing content reported in the publication [Figures] - folder containing figures reported in the publication [Figure_1.png] - figure showing estimated marginal mean communicated foraging distances and 95% confidence intervals for nectar versus pollen foragers in the full dataset [Figure_2.png] - figure showing monthly estimated marginal mean communicated foraging distances and 95% confidence intervals for nectar versus pollen foragers in full dataset

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