Virginia Tech

Experimental data to accompany the paper ‘Wall Pressure Fluctuations In An Axisymmetric Boundary Layer Under Strong Adverse Pressure Gradient’ Journal of Fluid Mechanics

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Version 3 2023-04-06, 11:09
Version 2 2023-03-13, 18:51
Version 1 2023-03-13, 18:40
posted on 2023-04-06, 11:09 authored by Neehar Balantrapu, William AlexanderWilliam Alexander, William DevenportWilliam Devenport


This dataset accompanies the paper ‘Wall pressure Fluctuations in an axisymmetric turbulent boundary layer under Strong Adverse Pressure Gradient’, Balantrapu N. A., Alexander W. N., Devenport W. J., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in press, 2023. The wall pressure fluctuations under turbulent boundary layer over an axisymmetric body, relevant to vehicular configurations, is documented and studies to discover the underlying physics in addition supplying information towards advancing turbulence modelling and aeroacoustics predictions. Spectra and space-time characteristics of the wall pressure and its relation to the overriding turbulent flow are discussed are discussed in the stated publication. Here, the relevant data are presented.


Sponsor: Office of Naval Research

Program managers: Dr. Ki-Han Kim, Dr. Julie Young and Dr. John Muench

ONR grant numbers: N00014-17-1-2698, N00014-20-1-2650



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Virginia Tech Stability Wind Tunnel, Blacksburg, Virginia, US.

Corresponding Author Name

William Devenport

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

1. DataDescription.xlsx A Microsoft Excel sheet that describe each of the Data files including the nomenclature and organization, and a brief overview of the measurement. A sample code is included to assist the users with accessing and plotting the data. While basic details about the apparatus are mentioned in the worksheets, users are redirected to the companion journal publication. 2. UnsteadyPressure_ReD=600200.mat Cross-spectral matrix of the fluctuating wall pressure over the body-of-revolution (BOR) tail cone. For full details refer DataDescription.xlsx. 3. Code_Autospectra.m MATLAB script to assist users in handling the datafile UnsteadyPressure_ReD=600200.mat