Virginia Tech

Data for Land Subsidence Hazard and Building Collapse Risk in the Coastal City of Lagos, West Africa

Version 2 2022-11-08, 20:55
Version 1 2022-05-11, 13:08
posted on 2022-11-08, 20:55 authored by Leonard OhenhenLeonard Ohenhen, Manoochehr ShirzaeiManoochehr Shirzaei

 The data contains 12 files: (1) InSAR_data.csv contains the vertical land motion (VLM) and east-west in cm/year for Lagos, Nigeria. (2) Four GeoTIFF files containing the risk levels of Lagos for different year period (4 years, 10 years, 35 years, and 75 years). (3) Four .csv files containing the risk levels for Lagos for different year period (4 years, 10 years, 35 years, and 75 years). (4) Longitude.csv containing the longitude for plotting the risk levels map. (5) Latitude.csv containing the latitude for plotting the risk levels map. (6) BuildingCollapseTable.xlsx contains the catalog of 106 building collapse data compiled for this study. See further details below. 


NASA grant 80NSSC170567



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Lagos, Nigeria

Corresponding Author Name

Leonard O. Ohenhen

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

The data contains 12 files: 1. InSAR_data.csv contains the vertical land motion (VLM) and east-west in cm/year for Lagos, Nigeria. The file has 4 columns; longitude (deg.), latitude (deg.), vlm(cm/yr), east (cm/yr). 2. LagosRiskMap_4years.tif contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 4 year period (2018 - 2021). The GeoTIFF file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. The GeoTIFF file can be plotted in any GIS software (ArcGIS or QGIS) or using any programming language. 3. LagosRiskMap_10years.tif contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 10 year period (2018 - 2028). The GeoTIFF file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. The GeoTIFF file can be plotted in any GIS software (ArcGIS or QGIS) or using any programming language. 4. LagosRiskMap_35years.tif contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 35 year period (2018 - 2053). The GeoTIFF file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. The GeoTIFF file can be plotted in any GIS software (ArcGIS or QGIS) or using any programming language. 5. LagosRiskMap_75years.tif contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 75 year period (2018 - 2093). The GeoTIFF file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. The GeoTIFF file can be plotted in any GIS software (ArcGIS or QGIS) or using any programming language. 6. LagosRiskMap_4years.csv contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 4 year period (2018 - 2021). The .csv file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. 7. LagosRiskMap_10years.csv contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 10 year period (2018 - 2028). The .csv file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. 8. LagosRiskMap_35years.csv contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 35 year period (2018 - 2053). The .csv file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. 9. LagosRiskMap_75years.csv contains the different risk levels of Lagos for a 75 year period (2018 - 2093). The .csv file has 4 different risk levels (0-Very Low, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High,4-Very High) and NaN where there is no data. 10. Longitude.csv contains the longitude for plotting the .csv file of the risk levels. 11. Latitude.csv contains the latitude for plotting the .csv file of the risk levels. 12. BuildingCollapseTable.xlsx contains the catalog of 106 building collapse data compiled for this study. The file has 12 columns: Column 1: Date, Column 2: Address, Column 3: District (LGA), Column 4: Structure, Column 5: Injuries, Column 6: Deaths, Columns 7 to 12: Cited sources/References