Virginia Tech

Data for "Drivers of the distributions of stream-dwelling crayfishes in the New River catchment, United States"

posted on 2024-05-17, 15:55 authored by Joshua MouserJoshua Mouser, Emmanuel FrimpongEmmanuel Frimpong

Crayfish, instream habitat, and landscape data for the analysis conducted in, "Drivers of the distributions of stream-dwelling crayfishes in the New River catchment, USA" Mouser et al. (2023). Crayfishes were collected opportunistically as part of other field studies using single-pass, double-backpack electrofishing (Peoples et al., 2015; Huang et al., 2016; Peoples & Frimpong, 2016). Proportion riffle and substrate were collected along 20 transects per site. We also calculated an anthropogenic disturbance index, determined geology, and pulled the stream order for our sites.



University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Corresponding Author Name

Joshua Mouser

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

[New_River_Crayfish_Distribution.csv] — Crayfish, instream habitat, and landscape data for the analysis conducted in, "Drivers of the distributions of stream-dwelling crayfishes in the New River catchment, USA" Mouser et al. (2023).