Data associated with "Atmospheric Tides in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere of Mars at Northern High Latitudes: A comparison of MAVEN-EUVM and MRO-MCS observations with model results"
The datasets archived are associated with the manuscript titled 'Atmospheric Tides in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere of Mars at Northern High Latitudes: A comparison of MAVEN-EUVM and MRO-MCS observations with model results'.
The files consist of the subset of the original data for the time periods defined for each case in the paper. Each filename begins with the instrument/model name associated with the data.
The files are labeled as instrument_case_raw, as an example EUVM_1A_raw.csv where EUVM stands for Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor. And in MCS_1A_raw, MCS stands for Mars Climate Sounder.
Each csv file consists of 8 columns labeled
utc_dt : UTC date (year, month, day)
lt: local time (hours)
lons: longitude (degrees)
alts: altitude (km)
lats: latitude (degrees)
temps: temperature (K)
orbit_nu: orbit number
orbit_part: defines the inbound or outbound portion of the orbit