Virginia Tech

Data associated with "A Comparison of 3-D Spherical Shell Thermal Convection results at Low to Moderate Rayleigh Number using ASPECT (version 2.2.0) and CitcomS (version 3.3.1)"

posted on 2023-05-12, 20:40 authored by Grant EuenGrant Euen, Shangxin Liu, Rene Gassmöller, Timo HeisterTimo Heister, Scott KingScott King

Data used to generate both ASPECT (Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's ConvecTion) and CitcomS results in "A Comparison of 3-D Spherical Shell Thermal Convection results at Low to Moderate Rayleigh Number using ASPECT (version 2.2.0) and CitcomS (version 3.3.1)." ASPECT and CitcomS are both geodynamic codes allowing users to simulate problems in the convecting mantles of Earth-like planets. Tar files break down into folders for each of the models: A1, A3, A7, C1, C2, and C3. These models are taken from the paper "A benchmark study on mantle convection in a 3-D spherical shell using CitcomS." They are each models of simple, thermal convection at low Rayleigh number, the primary difference between them being how much the viscosity of the models varies from top to bottom. The A cases and C cases also have different planforms as detailed in the paper. The ASPECT file also has the annulus and radial folders which contain the files for Figures 1 and 3 for the paper, respectively. The ASPECT file subdirectories contain the ASPECT data presented in the paper, and the scripts used to generate the images for Figures 2 and 4-10. Scripts are set up to run in a Linux environment and make use of GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) to generate figures. The CitcomS file subdirectories contain the CitcomS data presented in the paper. 



University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Corresponding Author Name

Grant Euen

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

ASPECT tar file: A1 - folder containing all data and scripts related to case A1 A3 - folder containing all data and scripts related to case A3 A7 - folder containing all data and scripts related to case A7 annulus - folder containing all data and scripts related to creation of Figure 1 C1 - folder containing all data and scripts related to case C1 C2 - folder containing all data and scripts related to case C2 C3 - folder containing all data and scripts related to case C3 radial - folder containing all data and scripts related to creation of Figure 3 README - file describing this dataset in greater detail CitcomS tar file: A1-Models - folder containing all data and scripts related to case A1 A3-Models - folder containing all data and scripts related to case A3 A7-Models - folder containing all data and scripts related to case A7 C1-Models - folder containing all data and scripts related to case C1 C2-Models - folder containing all data and scripts related to case C2 C3-Models - folder containing all data and scripts related to case C3 README - file describing this dataset in greater detail License.txt - MIT license for all the scripts