Virginia Tech

Data Associated with Influence of Geotechnical Properties on Sediment Dynamics, Erodibility, and Geomorphodynamics in Coastal Environments Based on Field Measurements

Version 2 2024-05-10, 19:40
Version 1 2023-04-25, 14:49
posted on 2024-05-10, 19:40 authored by Nicola BrilliNicola Brilli, Nina Stark, Celso Castro-Bolinaga

Field and laboratory data collected for the purpose of geotechnical site characterization and erodibility assessment at a field site in Duck, NC. Files in this dataset include raw and processed data, summary spreadsheets, and codes needed to replicate results.


CAREER: Improving the Understanding of Coastal Erosion during Extreme Events and with Sea Level Rise through Geotechnical Investigation

Directorate for Engineering

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University Libraries, Virginia Tech


1. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (USACE FRF) site in Duck, North Carolina. The coordinates are: 36.182101°N, 75.751282°W

Corresponding Author Name

Nicola Brilli

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

Each sub folder details the field and laboratory data from a specific field survey. README files are included in each folder to describe the contents. [DUNEX 2019 - Duck NC] - All data related to the DUNEX field survey in October 2019. Each subfolder contains the following: blueDrop - Contains all files related to the raw blueDrop data Processed Data: MATLAB Files - Contains .mat files for all the processed blueDrop deployments from October 11th, 2019 which were used for Chapter 3. PNG Files - Contains .png images of all the processed blueDrop deployments from October 11th, 2019 which were used for Chapter 3. Raw Data: Contains all the raw .bin files from the survey sorted into subfolders by date. Files can be connected to specific stations using the sampling_MMDD_complete.xlsx workbooks. BDmasterBeach_Duck_2019.m - MATLAB code used for blueDrop processing. Correct calibration factors are included in the code. sampling_1007_complete.xlsx sampling_1009_complete.xlsx sampling_1010_complete.xlsx sampling_1011_complete.xlsx -Spreadsheets containing all the compiled field data sorted by date in format sampling_MMDD_complete: -Within each workbook, the first sheet contains the laboratory data from processing the physical samples, with the bulk and dry density results. -There is a sheet for each Transect A-C detailing blueDrop files, moisture contents, dry and bulk density, as well as penetrometer and vane shear measurements, sorted by station. tube_sizes.xlsx -Spreadsheet containing the measurements for the push cores used to determine sampling volume. sieve_data_complete.xlsx -Spreadsheet containing all of the grain size results from all physical samples. Sheets are labeled according to data sieve analysis was performed. Header of each data sheet contains the date the physical sample was collected and the Tube #. These can be tied to specific stations using the sampling_MMDD_complete.xlsx data sheets. bd_qdyn_oct11.xlsx -Spreadsheet containing the processed blueDrop data from October 11th, as these were the measurements used for the modified strain rate correction used in Chapter 3. Column headers specify each paramter. ParSat_BC.xlsx -Spreadsheet containing a detailed breakdown for calculating the Vanapalli and Mohammed (2007) partial saturation bearing capacity. This spreadsheet shows all equations and variables need for the calculation and can be used to calculate bearing capacity by inputting the necessary parameters. The sheet labelled "October 11" contains the inputs and results for the model values used in Chapter 3. Kmod.xlsx -Spreadsheet containing data used to develop Kmod used in Chapter 3. The first sheet "K Mod Formulation" has the raw blueDrop data and computes a K-factor to match the model bearing capacity from "ParSat_BC.xlsx". The second sheet "Test K Values" compares the new K formulation to different single value K-factors. [DUNEX 2021 - Duck NC] - All data related to the DUNEX field survey in October 2021. Each subfolder contains the following: blueDrop - Contains all files related to the raw blueDrop data Processed Data: MATLAB Files - Contains .mat files for all the processed blueDrop deployments which were used for Chapter 4. PNG Files - Contains .png images of all the processed blueDrop deployments which were used for Chapter 4. Raw Data: Contains all the raw .bin files from the survey sorted into subfolders by date. Files can be connected to specific stations using the Field_Log.xlsx workbook. BDmasterBeach_Duck_2021.m - MATLAB code used for blueDrop processing. Correct calibration factors are included in the code. JET Tests April 2022 - Contains the data sheets from Jet Erosion Tests performed at NC State University in April 2022. Workbooks are formatted MM_DD_YY_STN_UP/LOW.xlsx LiDAR_FRF - Contains raw data files for the LiDAR elevation surveys - Raw data file for the dune LiDAR - Raw data file for the pier LiDAR ncReadFile.m - MATLAB code for reading .nc files to obtain elevaton data Sieve Analysis - Contains data sheets from laboratory grain size analysis. Each sample is a workbook, sorted by date in format MM_DD_YY_STN_TUBE.xlsx Wave Data FRF - Contains raw wave data and code for processing - Raw wave data from the 4.5m AWAC buoy waveData.m - MATLAB code for reading .nc files to obtain wave data Field_Log.xlsx -Workbook containing the field data log for the entire survey. Each sheet corresponds to a survey and details the raw .bin files for blueDrop deployments at each station as well as moisture content measurements and tube numbers associated with push core sampling. fielddata_compiled.xlsx -Workbook containing all processed data from each individual survey sorted by station. Each sheet is associated with a survey and contains: Laboratory analysis to obtain densities Grain size metrics Weight/Volume analysis and moisture parameters Processed blueDrop parameters -The final sheet combines all the surveys together JET_solutions_final_Duck.xlsx -Workbook containing the compiled JET results used in Chapter 4. For the four methods used, tau_crit, k_d, and NOF are listed. LiDAR_transects.xlsx -Workbook containing the processed LiDAR data. Data is broken down by date of LiDAR scan and station. All elevations are NAVD88 in meters.