Virginia Tech

Cross-Sectional Survey of Cybercriminology – April 2022 International Sample.

Version 2 2025-01-30, 20:14
Version 1 2025-01-30, 19:43
posted on 2025-01-30, 20:14 authored by Katalin PartiKatalin Parti, Thomas DeardenThomas Dearden, James HawdonJames Hawdon, Hasler Chloe

This survey is part of a series of cross-sectional online polls that begin in 2019. The questions focus on three main areas: cyber offending, cyber victimization, and criminology. Demographic and other computer-use questions are also included.

The current 2022 sample here includes three separate samples. These include the U.S. sample (English), the Hungarian sample (Hungarian), and the Finnish sample (Finnish). Separate Surveys and sample variables are included.


The Institute for Culture, Society, and Environment at Virginia Tech

The Center for European and Transatlantic Studies at Virginia Tech

The Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention at Virginia Tech



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


U.S., Finland, and Hungary

Corresponding Author Name

Thomas Dearden

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

[Cleaned Dataset.dta] full dataset on Stata .dta format. .Do file has already been run [CleaningDoInternational.Do] Stata .Do file for cleaning information on data [CodebookWord.Docx] Codebook export from Stata in Word format. Includes descriptive and structure of variables [Excelexport_internationaldata.csv] Uncleaned full export of data in CSV format. Use .Dta file when possible [International Survey English.pdf] English version of the survey administered in the U.S. [International Survey Finnish.pdf] Finnish version of the survey administered in Finland [International Survey Hungarian.pdf] Hungarian version of the survey administered in Hungary.