Virginia Tech

Building a Culture of Reuse: An Analysis of Reusable Software and Policies for Institutional Libraries - Web Survey

posted on 2022-10-11, 10:47 authored by Alex KinnamanAlex Kinnaman, Yinlin ChenYinlin Chen

This dataset is the findings from a web-based study on the need for and valuable assets of reusable software and policies for digital library infrastructures. All responses have been anonymized and include full results as well as results by survey question. The results support the IJDC paper "Building a Culture of Reuse: An Analysis of Reusable Software and Policies for Institutional Libraries." Curating for reuse is a strategy that should not be limited to digital assets, and can extend to digital library software, policy, infrastructure, and implementation. Specifically, we seek to understand how data curators utilize reusable digital library software and policies and how we at Virginia Tech University Libraries can improve the reusability of our resources in order to promote openness, transparency, and reusability.



University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Corresponding Author Name

Yinlin Chen

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

File 1] - SurveyReport_Anonymized.xlsx: The full dataset of web survey results. [File 2] - survey_questions.pdf: The list of survey questions and response types.