Bearing Condition State Classification Dataset
This is a dataset of structural bridge bearings. The
bearings have been annotated using the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) bridge inspection condition state
guidelines and Bridge Inspector's Reference Manual (BIRM). The authors have
included annotation guidelines and provided examples and explanation for
bearings and their respective condition state assessment. There are a total of
947 images of bearings included in the dataset. The image size is 300x300. The
bearing images were obtained from the COCO-Bridge-2021+ (Bianchi) dataset for
structural detail detection. The data was split 10% testing, 90% training. After
training with the EfficientNet B3 model (DOI: 10.7294/16628698), we were able
to obtain an F1 score of 86.4%. More details of the training, the results, the
dataset, and the code may be referenced in the journal article. The GitHub
repository information may be found in the journal article.
If you are using the dataset in your work, please include both the journal article and the dataset citation.
National Science Foundation Grant No. IIS-1840044
University Libraries, Virginia TechLanguage
- English (US)