Virginia Tech

Arkansas Results of the Wildlife Viewer Survey

Through a 2021 AFWA MultiState Conservation Grant, Virginia Tech and the AFWA Wildlife Viewing and Nature Tourism Working Group conducted national and state level surveys to gather more data on wildlife viewers. This dataset is from the survey conducted in Arkansas. It contains:

1. Arkansas Wildlife Viewer Survey.pdf: a pdf version of the survey instrument 

2. Arkansas_WildlifeViewerSurvey.csv: a csv (comma-separated values) file of the dataset 

3. Arkansas_WildlifeViewerSurvey.sav: a sav (compatible with SPSS, the Statistical Package for Social Science) file of the dataset

4. WildlifeViewerSurveyData_VariableGuide: a guide to each variable name in the datasets.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Multistate Conservation Grant Program (grant # F21AP00617-00)

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission



University Libraries, Virginia Tech


Blacksburg, Virginia

Corresponding Author Name

Ashley Dayer

Corresponding Author E-mail Address

Files/Folders in Dataset and Description

[Arkansas Results of the Wildlife Viewer Survey - Dataset] - Online survey data and survey instrument to accompany the report Arkansas Results of the Wildlife Viewer Survey: Enhancing relevancy and engaging support from a broader constituency by Pototsky, Sinkular, and Dayer (2022). Report accessible at This online survey was conducted from October 29-December 15, 2021 via Qualtrics. All 1,005 survey respondents resided in Arkansas for most of the year, were over the age of 18, and reported participating in wildlife viewing (defined as closely observing, photographing, or feeding wildlife, maintaining plantings or habitat for the benefit of wildlife, or taking trips to parks or other natural areas with the purpose of observing, feeding, or photographing wildlife) in the past five years. The survey was conducted with approval from the Virginia Tech Institutional Review Board (Protocol #20-1018). [WildlifeViewerSurveyData_VariableGuide.xlsx] – Codebook containing answer options for questions in survey instrument, in .docx format. [Arkansas Wildlife Viewer Survey.pdf] - Survey instrument containing all questions asked in pdf. [Arkansas_WildlifeViewerSurvey.csv] - Comma-separated value (CSV) file containing 1,005 individual and de-identified survey results. [Arkansas_WildlifeViewerSurvey.sav] - SPSS Data File (SAV) containing 1,005 individual and de-identified survey results.